What is the Red Carpet Guarantee?

Support Pets Access Guarantee (Also referred to as “The Pet Access Guarantee” or “The Red-Carpet Guarantee”) is a guarantee that we will refund a partial price of the digital Emotional Support Animal (ESA) approval or renewal documents if your pet is denied access to a business like a store or a restaurant. For more information about what businesses and situations are covered, please take a look at the terms.

The Support Pets Access Guarantee covers the cost of your ESA approval or renewal minus the $30 doctor consultation fee that's included in the cost of your ESA purchase. The guarantee does not cover any additional physical items purchased with the documents that were mailed to you or any other items purchased.

For further assistance, please fill out the form below and include the original email address used to purchase your ESA documents. One of our customer service team members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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